Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Gift Baskets for Mom plus Giveaway

I received this item for free for testing purposes. All opinions are solely of my own.

Mother's Day is just around the corner and I know many of you are stumped. What could you possibly get your mom who just about has it all? Have you ever thought about checking out Gourmet Gift Baskets. Very lovely company who sent me out a basket to review. I adore the basket and it's a great little treat for myself. There are so many options on the website to choose from. Different sizes, prices and styles. So what
ever type of mom you are shopping for, they have it! Plus the website is super easy to navigate around to find the categories.

So on to my special goodie basket that I received to scope out! All I can say when I first saw it was wow! It was beautiful and everything was neatly packaged and well thought out. I chose the wine packaged with delicious snacks and sweets to pair well with the sparkling wine. The wine was not cheaply made, straight up product from Italy. Had that awesome cork affect when i popped it off and the bubbles oozing over. The taste was impeccable,compared to any other white wines I have tried. The basket also comes with a cheese, matching crackers, gourmet cookies and a few other sweets. You could not turn this down. But have no fear! Honestly I know must other people may not like wine but they do have craft beer baskets or even gardening ones! Not to mention the basket that came with mine is reusable. The Gourmet Gift Basket company is well worth checking into for Mother's day. They really impressed me! Even much so that I am allowed to host a spring giveaway for a gift basket valued at around 70 dollars. So be sure to enter below and share share share!


  1. We had a family fun day spent with children and grandchildren for the day, we usually go to Kennywood Park for the day, it's an awesome day they are less busy and lines are not as long.

  2. We got our bellies full of delicious foods and spent some quality time together by playing outside.

  3. We had a Picnic in my moms yard

  4. I spent it with my sister and her family :)

  5. I spent it with my family and hubby cooke

  6. We spent them with my inlaws

    Tracy Shafer

  7. We spent it with my mother having brunch

  8. My husband and son made me breakfast and I spent the whole day shopping and eating and cuddling with them and my daughter. Was the perfect day.

  9. I got breakfast in bed then we went shopping an had a cookout. With all my children

  10. I went to the zoo with the family.Had a blast.

  11. spent the day at home, and my daughter made us dinner

  12. We stayed home and enjoying the company of two of our kids and grandson. They brought cake, Flowers and Gifts. It was nice to just sit at home and enjoy them being here.

  13. We went to my sister in laws for a cook out and played cornhole and volley ball and just spent the day together having fun

  14. My poor hubby fell and hurt himself at work so we just had a lazy day at home with the kids. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

  15. I spent it with my son we watched a movie together and had dinner

  16. Well, it was normal, I have had worse. I made breakfast for my three kids, did a couple loads of laundry, celebrated my youngest son's birthday Saturday (his birthday is actually Thursday), ummmm.... cleaned, did dishes.
    So, all-in-all a normal day except no work.

  17. We stayed home and relaxed. It was great.

  18. Had a wonderful dinner with my daughter and grandsons!

  19. We had brunch with my mom in the memory care facility
