Moms, do you have a child or other loved one that requires reminders to take their medication? Is there too many missed doses or different meds to take to keep up with? If you answered at least yes to one of the questions then you should check out Medcenter's website. I was given the chance to review their organizer and I must say it is really neat! It is very sturdy and will definitely keep all your medicines organized. With 31 holders for your medicine to keep you set for the whole month. Both ends of the cases have red and green colors. When green is faced up it means you have taken all your medicine for that day, if red it means your not done yet. Another great feature is that you can tote your days worth of medicine with you if your going to be gone for the day. There is also a alarm that you get with it that verbalizes a reminder to take the medicine, which can be set to go off 4 times during the day. I love this organizer and it will be put to good use. sponsored post
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