Tuesday, September 8, 2015

All Free & Clear Detergent and Booster Giveaway!

Do you have a household that requires a detergent that is easy on the skin without any fragrances? Do you have a newborn and just want a gentle way to wash your clothes? If you said yes then run to your nearest store! Dart down that laundry aisle and grab you a bottle of the All Free & Clear Detergent and snag you a container of the New All laundry Booster. I love it, I honestly really do. Normally I am the skeptic woman you see with three kids shaking her head at these kinds of detergents. Asking myself if my clothes will still smell and look clean even though its a gentle detergent. Not to mention I have never tried a laundry booster before.

I ponder to myself what really bad stains did I have, that I wanted to test this detergent on? Then it hit me, my poor white bed sheet and my daughters chocolate milk stained shirt. The bed sheet was looking a bit rough when build in stains that I though sure as the world, only bleach would manage to get out. So I added the required amount of booster to my washer first, tossed in my clothes. Set it to wash warm and rinse warm and it start. Now here is the funny part, I was so distracted by other things going on in the house with my husband and 2 year old. That I had not realized that I totally forgot to add my All Free & Clear Detergent. I thought how stupid I was and that my laundry was not going to come out the way I wanted to. After all was said and done the load was done in the washer and was time to move to the dryer. I reached in and grabbed my daughter's shirt and guess what! The built in stain was gone! Also the white bed sheet was completely stain free. I was in shock of how well this booster worked even though I had forgot to use the All Free & Clear Detergent in this load.

So after some other loads with remembering to add the Detergent with the booster, each load was as promised. Fresh clean clothes each time I washed. I love the look of the detergent bottle also, because it's white and immediately comes to my mind as the gentle detergent type. I love the product and the booster. I recommend this product to my readers. Plus there is a bonus to all of you! I have a giveaway to win exactly what I got. A chance to win one bottle of All Free & Clear Detergent and All Laundry Booster.

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  1. For grease stains, letting cornstarch soak into the stain for a few hours can help.

  2. Use a laundry sorter hamper to help cut down on time in sorting clothing for the wash.

    1. This is definitely a big help, I use to do this when I had a bigger laundry room lol.

  3. I let my whites soak together in a sink with a little bleach before washing them. I would love to try this laundry booster!

    1. Best of luck Steph! Thanks for that great tip. I will have to try this sometime.

  4. I always use pre treat to help with the stains!

  5. I've always started my water, put my clothes in and then put the soap on top of them but lately I've been starting the water, putting the soap in and getting a good amount of soapy water before I put my clothes in and I can tell a huge difference in my clothes! It's amazing!

    1. Thanks for commenting and entering! My mom does this technique with her clothes also with starting water first then adding soap.

  6. I use run the machine with just baking soda (about 1/2 cup) then run it again with vinegar (1c) and it keeps away that musty small in my front-loader!

  7. Do a load a day! And make sure to put up the laundry too.

  8. My tip is to keep it simple. I got the most basic washer/dryer set that I could find so it wasn't complicating for kids to use and hopefully won't break as easily.

  9. I always add a cup of vinegar to every load to boost whites and colors, and get rid of any lingering dirt and stink.

  10. My best tip is to check and make sure you got all the stains out before you put your clothes in the dryer. It is much harder to get them out after you dry them.

  11. I use a delicates bag for baby socks. Those things get lost so easily!

  12. just pretreat the stains as soon as you see them and when your kids play sports especially football and the pants are white DO NOT BLEACH them!! lol

  13. definitely getting to the stains as soon as possible. Also, if there's a spot on something don't dry it until you get it out

  14. Soak stained clothes in tepid water before washing.

  15. I use Zout to pre-treat stains;)

    Jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com

  16. I've learned that you definitely get what you pay for when it comes to detergent.

  17. I use a pretreatment and soak in oxiclean.

  18. I don't do anything in particular other than pre-washing jeans and sorting clothes completely before putting any in the washer. I'm a bit of a laundry newbie.

  19. I wash almost all my laundry in cold water to save energy. My laundry comes out just as clean.

  20. My only tip is to not overfill it helped me?'!!

  21. My tip is to try to treat stains asap!

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